Рецепт Sausage Stuffed French Loaves

- Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Cut off ends of loaves and hollow out with fingers. Process soft bread in a food processor fitted with a steel blade to coarse crumbs. Reserve bread ends. Brown sausage in a heavy skillet over medium heat. Add in beef and onion and cook till beef is lightly browned. Combine bread crumbs, meat mix, egg, mustard, parsley, fennel, and salt and pepper in a large bowl. Spoon mix into bread shells; attach bread ends with small skewers.
- Heat butter over medium heat and stir in garlic. Saute/fry for 30 seconds, then brush loaves with garlic butter and wrap in separate pcs of aluminum foil, leaving foil open slightly at top. Bake till heated through, 15 to 20 min. Cut into 1 inch slices for hors d'oeuvres or possibly cut each loaf into 4 pcs for main course servings.