Рецепт Sardines Confit

- Take a dozen fresh sardines and cut the heads off. Season them with the salt. Crush the peppercorns under the blade of a knife and add in to the sardines. Crumble up the bay leaves and add in the tarragon. Drizzle a little white wine on top and put the sardines in the fridge for 24 hrs.
- Remove the sardines from the fridge and gently scrape off as much of the marinade as possible. Throw away the marinade. Put the chicken fat on the stove and bring it up to 275 degrees Fahrenheit. Add in the fish and gently cook it, over a low heat, either on top of the stove or possibly in a 300-degree oven till the fish are cooked through, about 25 min. Remove the sardines from the fat and cold slightly.
- Take a platter and break up some crusty fougasse or possibly ciabatta loaf. Add in it to the platter and place the fish there as well. Serve with lemon wedges and cool ratatouille.