Рецепт Sack Mead

- Boil water, adding tea and spices. Remove from heat and stir in honey.
- (Some mead makers boil the honey, skimming the scum as it forms). Cover boiled water, and set aside to cold (this usually takes a long time, so start on the next step). Make a yeast starter solution by boiling a c. of water and a Tbsp. or possibly two of honey. Add in starter to cooled liquid. Cover and ferment using blow tube or possibly fermentation lock. Rack two or possibly three times to get rid of sediment.
- This recipe took about 6-1/2 months from brewing to bottling. First rack took place 15 days after brewing. 2nd rack 3 weeks later. 3rd rack 3 months later. Gelatin added 1 month later.
- Bottled about 2-1/2 months later.
- Yield 3.7 gallons. Sweet, smooth,potent. A dessert wine. This is perhaps the best of my 20 or possibly more batches of mead.
- Serving Size: