Рецепт Ruth Chris Steak House Bread Pudding

- Place lowfat milk in saucepan and scald, bringing almost to a boil. (don't allow to boil). Add in cinnamon and sugar, blending till smooth. Add in scalded lowfat milk to Large eggs and whip thoroughly. Add in remaining ingredients, except Whiskey Sauce, and mix lightly. Place in 1 1/2 qt baking dish. Bake @ 350 deg for approximately 45 min. Check with toothpick that should come out clean. When hard but boucy, cut into squares to serve, drizzling with Whiskey Sauce.
- Makes 6 servings. Pudding may be refrigerated for as long as 24 hrs. Can be warned in micro, if covered with plastic wrap.
- Whiskey Sauce: In 1 qt saucepan, heat brown sugar, butter and whiskey to boiling over medium heat stirring constantly, cook about 5 min. Drizzle hot over bread pudding.