Это предварительный просмотр рецепта "Roasted Pumpkin Risotto".

Рецепт Roasted Pumpkin Risotto
by Karista

Risotto is true comfort food. Just the act of preparing risotto feels comforting, soothing somehow. Maybe it’s because when I make risotto I like to turn on old Italian music and channel my inner Italian; or maybe it simply reminds me of time spent in Italy with the most wonderful and delightful people.

Although risotto feels like comfort food, it also feels lush. A bit decadent and a bit indulgent. That could be another reason I love preparing risotto for my family – tossing in and adding seasonal ingredients like roasted pumpkin to create an even greater indulgent experience.

I just want to say a HUGE thank you for reading Karista’s Kitchen and following Karista’s Kitchen on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter. I truly appreciate and value your time spent browsing and reading – and my hope is that each and every recipe inspires you.

As well, thank you so much for following and reading VRAI Magazine! I am so proud and feel so honored to be part of such a talented team of professionals.

Delicious Wishes and Loads of Love,
