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Рецепт Roasted Cauliflower with Whipped Goat Cheese and Roasted Cauliflower Soup
by Monte Mathews

On a recent “Chopped”, the Food

Network TV show that pits four chefs against a basket full of incongruous

ingredients, a very sad fact was served up to the audience. Americans throw away 40 percent of the food

they buy! The dollar amount is

staggering: According to Reuters, $165

billion worth or 90 billion pounds of food goes un-eaten. Apparently in this land of plenty, where millions of people are on government food programs and where a staggering 14 percent of children go to bed hungry, there are equal numbers who throw food away with abandon. And I can’t say that in our house we’re completely guilt-free. A recent refrigerator clean-out included a

few half chopped onions, some very wilted carrots and lots of unidentified

liquids and solids making penicillin in plastic food containers. I am not about to offer excuses. I grew up having “Waste Not, Want Not” etched

into memory. But the plain fact is that

a lot of the recipes I work with are for more than just two people. Andrew will very often ask “So how many

people are coming to dinner?”. Most of

the time I can cut things back to a reasonable portion for two. But there are ingredients that just don’t

divvy up. Take, for example, a head of

Cauliflower. It’s one of the last of

the year’s fresh vegetables. Arrayed at the farm stand with its white center

peeking out from its green housing, I find it irresistible. This year, I was determined to cook one but

not force us into involuntary vegetarianism.

The solution: make two dishes out of one head. It turned out that one night’s meatless meal

was another day’s creamed soup for lunch.

Roasted Cauliflower with Whipped Goat Cheese

and a green salad


spied a recipe for Roasted Cauliflower with Whipped Goat Cheese in Bon

Appetit. It was from a restaurant called

Domenica in New Orleans. A couple of

days later, my friend Kristi, who lives in Dallas, posted a picture of the

dish, extolling its taste. So I made it

and made it the centerpiece of a meatless Monday supper, serving it with a

simple green salad. I loved the earthiness

the roasting brought out in the cauliflower and the goat cheese was a

revelation. Since Andrew has never been

a fan of the stuff, I’d spied a package labelled Honey Goat Cheese at Trader

Joe’s. The honey seemed to cut the tannic quality of the cheese. And while goat cheese comes to the fore,

there’s feta, cream cheese and cream to smooth the whole thing out.

After dinner, I still had a half a

roasted cauliflower left. And I was

determined not to toss it. Instead, I found a recipe for Roasted Cauliflower

Soup. I had to tinker with it a bit

because it required, of course, a whole cauliflower. It’s a very rich soup. I added far more liquid than the recipe

called for but it remained resolutely thick.

But since Winter decided to pay an early visit to New York, it’s a

welcoming bowl at lunch, especially since I laced it with Garlic-Infused Olive

Oil and that most welcome of all leftovers, crumbled bacon.

Roasted Cauliflower with Whipped Goat Cheese from Domenica in New

Orleans via Bon Appetit Magazine.

For the Roasted Cauliflower:

3 tbsp. fresh lemon juice.

and cook and stir until lightly golden brown about 10 minutes.



the flour over the onions and stir to coat.


pour the chicken broth and milk into the pan.


with a wire whisk until all of the flour is dissolved.


to a boil while stirring continuously until it thickens,


reduce heat to low. Stir in the sherry.



the roasted cauliflower into a

blender, add the liquid from the

skillet. Puree, adding more chicken

stock and

milk per how thick or thin you want your soup.


soup in saucepan. Serve with a dash of

Garlic Infused Oil


Bacon bits, optional.