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Рецепт Roast Pork Sweet & Sour Stir Fry (And a quick dessert)
by Colette Cunningham

There are days in my household when I am home alone, and have to muster up the motivation to make a meal for one. As I am more used to cooking for more than just me, making a dinner for one is a bit of a chore.

Anyhow, I roasted a loin of pork for St. Patrick’s Day, and needed to make something for myself today, as everyone was either working or out for the day.

It was a case of opening the fridge door, and seeing what was what for an impromptu dinner, just for me. Now, there is a bit of a cheat here, and I don’t want criticism, as who doesn’t cheat once in a while (own up, you know who you are) !

From the leftover roast pork, I cut off a slice and chopped it up, crackling and all!

* Use whatever green veg you might have, i.e. mange tout, runner beans, peas etc.

Heat a tablespoon of Sunflower oil in a wok and when almost smoking, add the diced pork, mushrooms, carrot, pineapple, beans, and stir fry for a few minutes.

Add the juice from the pineapple, and allow to cook (without stirring) until the wok is nearly dry. Then add the Sweet & Sour Sauce. You can, of course, make your own, but I used the ready-made one, which I happened to have. Stir fry for about five minutes, until the pork has fully heated through.

In the meantime, boil some rice (according to packet instructions, or how you like your rice), and serve alongside.

Dessert Recipe

For a quick dessert, I heated about a tablespoon of butter in a small frying pan, added a tablespoon of light brown sugar, quickly stirred this around, then, placed in to the frying pan, 2 slices of pineapple from the tin I opened for the stir fry. Fry and baste the pineapple for a few minutes, put these into a serving bowl, and pour over the butterscotch sauce you have made with the butter & sugar ;)

A little word of warning, when you fry butter and sugar together, the sugar will reach temperatures of volcanic levels, so leave it to cool for about five or so minutes before consuming. If you have whipping cream in your fridge, you can whip it up, using a hand-held mixer, add a cap-full of vanilla extract (Chantilly Cream), to make it even more luscious!


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