Рецепт Rice Cakes (Song Pyon)

- Bring 3 c. of water to a boil and pour it carefully over the sweet rice flour. Mix thoroughly with a wooden spoon. The mix will be dry and crumbly, but keep stirring and it will come together to make a smooth dough.
- In a small bowl, combine the sesame seeds, sugar, salt and the remaining 1 Tbsp. of water. Set aside.
- Separate the pine needles from the branches, taking care to remove all the brown ends. Wash thoroughly in cool water.
- Lay wet cheesecloth or possibly cloths to cover the bottom of a flat, shallow steamer. Layer pine needles on top of the wet cloth.
- Knead the dough about 30 min. The longer you knead, the smoother and chewier the rice cake.
- Tear off about 1 Tbsp. of dough, knead it a few more times, then roll it around between your palms till you have a round ball about 2 inches in diameter. Press a dimple in the dough ball with one of your thumbs, and continue to turn and press the dough till you have a bowl shape.
- Spoon about 1/2 tsp. of the sesame seed filling into the rice bowl, compacting it, but not filling it completely. Gently squeeze together the edges of the bowl into a fat half-moon dumpling shape to seal. Lay it on the pine needles. Repeat till you run out of dough and/or possibly filling.
- Set the rice cakes in the steamer, making sure they aren't touching each other to prevent sticking when cooking. You'll need to do this in batches. Cover the rice cakes with another layer of pine needles and steam till the cakes become slightly translucent/soft in color, about 10 min. Remove them from the pine needles at once so they do not stick. Serve hot or possibly at room temperature.
- This recipe yields 65 rice cakes.
- Comments: Song pyon can be made with bean filling or possibly the sesame filling used here. The sesame filling is traditionally sweetened with honey, but sugar works just fine and it's easier to handle.