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Рецепт Recipes | Three Easy Breakfast Sandwiches – No Better Way to Start The Day
by sanjeeta kk

My house resembles a NASA workstation during morning hours on weekdays. We all get up quite early and continue doing our routine chores, just as any robot will do. Though there is hustle & bustle of activities going around all over the house, a pin drop silence is always maintained, lest we forget to execute any task.

I get up at 5.30 am, brush teeth, rush out to get milk, go for a small morning walk, cook and pack the lunch & breakfast for hubby, all by 6.30 am.

Kids wake up early too, eat breakfast, take bath, arrange backpack and are ready for school by 8.30 am.

After I drop children to school I return back to a calm house to sit and reflect with my hot cuppa and news paper to start my day.

Weekends are much more peaceful when we get more time to spend together. And having breakfast together is a perfect way to build strong connections with family.

Most of the weekdays, breakfast is either oatmeal porridge for me and hubby or some cereal for kids. But weekend breakfast is more elaborate and everyone loves to get involved in cooking and serving the same.

Grilled Sandwiches with interesting filling and loads of extra cheese is children’s favorite, while I and hubby love simple veggie sandwiches for breakfast.

There is no better way to start a day than with a hearty breakfast with your family!

1. Quick Avocado and vegetable Sandwich

The buttery fruit Avocado has become a family favorite of late. This is a recipe for Guacamole and I use it as spread on sandwiches, crackers and Indian flat breads (chapattis).

I grind the Guacamole slightly to make it chunky which is easy to spread and incorporate all the ingredients well in the recipe.


4 bread slices

Method; Cut Avocado into two and remove the seed. Scoop out the pulp in a bowl with the help of a spoon.

Slice tomato, onion and green leaves very finely.

Dry roast groundnuts or used ready-to-use roasted groundnuts and crush them into coarse powder.

Add Avocado pulp and chopped vegetables in a blender and grind it for just one second. Do not over grind and make a paste of the ingredients, keep the texture coarse.

Add chopped green leaves, lemon juice, honey, crushed black pepper, chilly flakes and salt to the Avocado mixture.

Remove sides from the bread slices and spread butter on all the slices.

Spread the prepared Avocado spread lavishly on one slice of the bread and cover it with another slice.

Slice the sandwich and serve. You can also grill the Avocado and vegetable Sandwich or toast it on a tawa or griddle before serving.

2. Minty Cottage Cheese Sandwich


1 cup chopped bell pepper

1/2 cup chopped cucumber

1 small onion

4 slices bread

2 tsp. butter

Minty spread;

1/4 cup fresh cottage cheese

3 tbsp. chopped mint leaves

2 tbsp. frozen Peas

1/2 tsp. lemon juice

1/2 tsp. crushed black pepper

Salt to taste

Method; Wash and chop cucumber, onion and coloured bell pepper (shimla mirch) into very fine cubes. Make sure that all the veggies are chopped very finely.

Pluck mint leaves and wash with water. Add washed mint leaves, frozen peas, cottage cheese (paneer) into a blander and whisk for a second. Do not over grind to make a paste of it, keep the spread chunky with lots of bites in it.

Add crushed black pepper, salt, lemon juice and all the chopped vegetables in the spread and stir to combine well.

Remove sides from all the bread slices and spread butter on it. Spread the minty filling on one slice and cover it with other bread. Slice the sandwich and serve.

You can also grill the Minty Cottage Cheese Sandwich or toast it on a tawa before serving.

3. Sweet corn and Spinach Sandwich


1 cup sweet corn

1/4 cup chopped spinach

1 tomato

1 onion

1/2 capsicum

3 tbsp. grated cheese

2 tbsp. butter or Mayonnaise

1 tbsp. chopped mint leaves

1 tsp. English mustard Salt to taste

4 bread slices

Method; Remove husks from the sweet corn and grill it slightly on the grill or on direct flame for a few seconds till the kernel get dark brown spots. You can avoid this step if you wish, but I would highly recommend grilling the sweet corn for a much better taste.

Remove the kernel from the cob with a sharp knife and place it in a clean bowl. Wash and finely chop onion, capsicum, spinach and mint leaves. Remove seeds from tomato and chop it finely.

Add all the chopped vegetables and greens into the bowl of corn kernel. Add grated cheese, English mustard (if using) and salt to the above vegetable mix.

Remove sides from the bread slices and spread butter or Mayonnaise on all the slices.

Spread the prepared Sweet corn spread lavishly on one slice of bread and cover it with another slice.

Slice the sandwich and serve. You can also grill the Sweet corn and Spinach Sandwich or toast it on a tawa before serving.


Replace English mustard with black pepper/green chillies/chilly flakes if you don’t have the same in Sweet corn sandwich recipe. Mustard gives a very unique pungent taste to the spread.

Use brown or multi grain bread to make these sandwich recipes.

All the above spreads make a wonderful stuffing for Pita bread or Indian flat bread (parathas).

You can avoid butter and ise Olive oil to make the recipes more healthier.

Use Tofu instead of cottage cheese in the Minty cottage cheese sandwich recipe.

You can par boil spinach leaves before adding to the corn sandwich if you don’t like the raw taste of it.

These sandwiches make a healthy snack and a nutritious lunch box treat for children.