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Рецепт Recipes | Quick and Easy Indian Sago Desserts – Mail that brings a smile back
by sanjeeta kk

A few days back, I was on my way to studio for a commercial photo shoot, wondering when was the last time that I clicked a photograph for my blog. Three non-stop photo shoots, some family commitments and it was becoming extremely exhausting for me to focus through my lens.

“I am irregular in my postings on my blog, my pictures look the same and my learning graph in photography has stagnated.” I found myself cribbing to my hubby more often.

“Take a break, engage yourself in gardening and let go of the camera for sometime. You are going through what is called as photography burnout and am sure these steps will rejuvenate you again” he suggested.

I did involve in all sorts of fun activities to bring back the smile on my face…sigh..

There is no better time than now to be happy again to receive a mail from Natasha, feature editor of a popular Asian magazine ‘Better Photography’.

“I just had a look at your beautiful blog and I must commend you on your work. Your passion for food really shows! There is such love and care in the way you have arranged your food and props. Being a photographer myself, I really love the picture you have taken. There is a beautiful sense of composition and the colours are stunning ”

She sent me the above mail a few days back and asked whether she can share a few photographs of mine in their website with due credits to me.

“All the photographs are clicked in natural light with moderate knowledge on digital photography. If you feel my pictures will do justice to your site, please go ahead” was my honest reply to her mail.

And I received her mail the next day with the link to the said post on ‘Better Photography’ website. Below is one of the photographs which has been added to their article and here is the link to their post;

For the love of Food

Published on Better Photography website

“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.” Mahatma Gandhi

What better way to celebrate the happy moments with a bowl of decadent Indian desserts.

Here are a few simple Indian dessert recipes which could be made well in advance with very ingredients. These desserts are made with white shiny Sago pearls. Sago or Sabudana in Hindi is a form of starch and is mainly extracted from the pith of palm stems or from cassava roots (Tapioca).

Sago is mainly carbohydrate and has very minute quantity of other nutrients in it. Sago is extensively used in many Asian cuisines in breakfast recipes, desserts and even in making porridge.

Sago Upma with diced potato and roasted groundnuts is an all time favorite at home. Sago kheer and pudding are prepared during fasting days in many homes of Rajasthan and Gujarat.

1. Mango-Sago Pudding

I like to add fruits and vegetables to my Sago desserts which not only increases the taste but makes the recipe a little more healthier.


(serve 4)

Method; Wash the Sago pearls in plain water and soak it in one cup of water for an hour. The Sago pearls will absorb water, plump up and become slightly transparent.

Drain the Sago.

I used store-bought coconut milk in this recipe. I also refrigerated the puoch before use which makes the coconut milk to thicken slightly.

You will need one large or two small mangoes to get 1 cup of mango pulp.

Cut the mango and scoop out the pulp in a bowl using a sharp knife.

Bring milk to boil in a heavy bottomed pan.

Add cardamom powder, sugar (if using) and simmer the milk on low heat for 5 minutes.

Add soaked Sago and cook for 6-7 minutes till they become plump and turn soft to touch.

Switch off the heat and let the pudding cool.

Add mango pulp, refrigerated coconut milk, chopped nuts (I used Pistachios) and mix well.

Pour the pudding in individual glasses or bowls, top it with some mango pieces or puree, drizzle a spoon of Honey and let it set in refrigerator for 3-4 hours.

2. Sago Pudding in Coconut Milk


(serve 3)

1/2 cup Sago

1 cup Coconut milk

1/2 cup Palm sugar

2 cups Water

A few Saffron strands

A few Chopped nuts

A pinch of salt

Method; Wash and soak Sago in 1 cups of water for an hour. Drain the Sago and keep aside.

Bring water to boil in a heavy bottomed pan. Add saffron strands, Palm suagr or white suagr in it and let it dissolve.

Add soaked Sago and cook for 5-6 minutes on low heat, it will take more time depending on the size of your sago pearls..

The Sago pearls will turn translucent and soft. Make sure to keep stiriing the Sago mix to avoid the pearls stickng together.

Add coconut milk in the Sago mixture and simmer it just for a few minutes on low heat.

Do not over boil the coconut milk as it may curdle or split.

Set the pudding in individual bowls and refrigerate for 4-5 hours. Sago will make the pudding firm and creamy.

3. Carrot –Sago Kheer


(serve 3)

1 cup grated carrot

2 cups milk

3 tbsp. Pearl Sago

3 tbsp. sugar

1 tbsp clarified butter or ghee

1 tsp. cardamom powder

A few nuts

Method; Wash two carrots, chop the head and boil it. I use my small pressure cooker to boil vegetables. You can microwave the vegetable on high for 4-5 minutes.

Grate the boiled carrots.

My quick-fix way to make this dessert is to pressure cook the grated carrot and Sago just for one whistle and then temper the same with nuts and saffron or cardamom.

Heat ghee in a heavy bottomed wok and add chopped nuts and sauté for a few seconds. Add grated carrots in it and sauté on medium heat for 2 minutes.

Pour milk in it and bring it to boil. Add Sago and cardamom powder to the carrot and milk mixture and simmer for 5 minutes.

Switch off the heat and serve the Carrot-Sago kheer warm or cold.


Use small variety of Sago for quick cooking. You need to cook for extra time if you are using larger Sago variety for this pudding recipe.

Use whole-milk or cream instead of plain milk if you want your pudding to be extra rich and creamy in consistency.

Blend the mango pulp if you don’t like chunks of fruit in pudding. I used the scooped out pulp and mashed it lightly with a spoon.

Sago pudding and kheer become thick after cooking as the sago pearls absorbs water and milk it is cooked in. Adjust the consistency of dessert by adding warm milk.

Use best quality of mangoes to make the pudding recipe as it will give the lovely orange hue to the pudding and also help to sweeten it naturally.