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Рецепт Recipe For Hot Chocolate
by Tandy Sinclair

We always pay for our airline tickets with our credit card, and this entitles us to standard insurance cover. However, this cover does not include lost baggage insurance and so I take a top up for Dave and I. The reason for this is that to replace our clothes overseas would cost a fortune as not only is one Rand worth 5 pence, clothes are more expensive in England and Europe than here. Thankfully, up until this previous trip, we’ve had no reason to claim. Our luggage has been delayed (and we are covered for that), but never lost. Ash clouds have lifted timeously for us to not miss any flights and we’ve never (touch wood) had to visit a hospital in a foreign country. But, on our way out of France in May, Dave was pick pocketed in the men’s bathroom at Charles de Gaulle airport. It took us over an hour to report the theft and then I had to go about filling in claim forms and collating documents for the insurance claim. It took them from May until August to pay us out. The delay was totally unacceptable in my opinion, and I’m only grateful we lost cash after our holiday, and not at the start. Something worth the delay is infusing the milk to make this hot chocolate. Your patience will pay off in a delectable comforting cup of decadence.

Place your infused milk into a sauce pan Bring to a boil over a medium temperature Place the chocolate into a mug Pour the milk over the chocolate and stir until mixed 3.3.3077

Click on the links for conversions and notes.

What I blogged September 17:


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About Tandy

Tandy is passionate about using regional, seasonable and sustainable produce when she cooks. She lives in Gordons Bay in a cottage with her husband, three dogs, a tortoise and a fish. Tandy and Dave are busy building a house which is an adventure all in itself. Each year they visit a new place to experience the food of the area and you can follow along on their adventures.