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Рецепт Recipe For Gingerbread
by Tandy Sinclair

When I was at school, we were taught in our mother tongue language (English for me) up until Grade III and then we were taught the second official language, Afrikaans. Now, we are a rainbow nation and have 11 official languages. Schooling still begins with the mother tongue language, and then extended so that 3 of the official languages will be covered. English and Afrikaans are still the primary languages and in the Western Cape, Xhosa is the 3rd mother tongue language that is taught. For a lot of my school friends, Afrikaans was not their second language. I grew up in Little Italy, and most of my friends spoke Italian. My grandparents spoke German and I learned to speak Hebrew before I learnt to speak Afrikaans. So by now, you are all wondering why I am telling you this? Well, this month for the Daring Bakers’ we had to make peperkoek. In Dutch, that translates to gingerbread. Afrikaans has some of its roots in Dutch and I even studied Nederlands at university when I started doing a law degree. I just wrote down on a piece of paper peperkoek and did not think more about it until this weekend. Now, peper in Afrikaans is pepper and I was wondering in the literal translation why on earth we had to make a pepper cake. As Afrikaans is not my first language, I am sometimes known to make funny translations. Thankfully for Google I did not attempt to make up a recipe using pepper as the spice. I have never made gingerbread before and was quite worried when I saw how thin the batter was once poured into the tin and how long the baking time was. I confess to opening the oven twice before the time was up to make sure the gingerbread was not burning. It came out of the oven having risen slightly, and it is so full of ginger. I am going to make this again as it is an easy recipe to follow and I am sure I can change the spices to suit my mood. And no, I won’t be trying pepper


Recipe For Gingerbread ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: Adapted From Larousse Gastronomique page 502

100g butter 200g honey 150mls milk 200g flour, sifted 5mls mixed spice 10mls ground ginger 5mls bicarbonate of soda 50g sugar - I used fructose 2 eggs

Place the butter and the honey into a sauce pan Place onto the stove on a low temperature Leave until the butter has melted Add the milk and set aside to cool completely Preheat the oven to 150° Celsius Place the flour, speices and bicarbonate of soda into a stand mixer bowl Add the honey mixture, sugar and eggs Beat on a slow speed until combined Pour into a lined square tin Bake for 75 minutes Turn out onto a wire rack to cool completely 3.2.2925

Click on the links for conversions and notes.

Blog-checking lines:For the month of December, Andrea from 4pure took us on a trip to the Netherlands. She challenged us to take our taste buds on a joyride through the land of sugar and spice by baking three different types of Dutch sweet bread Gingerbread.

I am on leave until the 8th of January. I will start replying to blog comments then.

What I blogged:


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About Tandy

Tandy is passionate about using regional, seasonable and sustainable produce when she cooks. She lives in Gordons Bay in a cottage with her husband, two dogs, a tortoise and a fish. Tandy and Dave are busy building a house which is an adventure all in itself. Each year they visit a new place to experience the food of the area and you can follow along on their adventures.