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Рецепт Recipe For Coconut Cream Sorbet
by Tandy Sinclair

Every Friday I have a massage due to a chronic back injury that needs constant attention. Nadia, my beautician, and I spend the entire hour catching up on the week that has just been, and discuss our plans for the weekend. One Friday she mentioned that she had eaten the most amazing coconut cream sorbet and she was quite sure that I could make it for her. Now, this sounds easy, but as I had no taste reference I had to rely on what she told me. I made the sorbet using only coconut cream but when I tasted it I decided that there was something missing. Greg had given me a recipe using tahini and salt which I had not yet tried out. I decided that I would add these two ingredients to the base of my sorbet and see if it worked. It was amazing. I packed the sorbet into a container and sent Nadia a message letting her know she could come and fetch it on her way home. I kept aside one scoop for myself to eat with my sourdough waffle and it was just perfect. Nadia loved her sorbet, and that makes it a winner as far as I am concerned.

Place the coconut cream, sugar and glucose into a sauce pan Bring to a boil over a medium temperature, stirring until the sugar dissolves Remove from the heat and leave to cool slightly Stir in the tahini and salt Leave to cool completely Place into the fridge overnight Churn as per your ice cream machine manufacturers' instructions Freeze for at least 4 hours before using 3.2.2925

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About Tandy

I am passionate about regional, sustainable and seasonal produce. I live in Gordons Bay in a cottage with my husband, our three dogs, a tortoise and a fish. We are busy building a house which is an adventure all in itself. Each year we visit a new place to experience the food of the area.