Рецепт Rebecca: One Year
May 7th, 2013 by Erin
Steve and I took Rebecca to the pediatrician for her one year well baby check yesterday. The only way it could have been worse would have been if the doctor said she was not healthy. She screamed and cried the whole time! Her behavior amazed me a little bit because every other time we’ve been to the doctor she has been happy as a clam right up to the moment she gets her shots. Things were a little different than she is used to because Steve does not usually come with us and we started the appointment with a different nurse than usual, so maybe she was just thrown off a bit. Anyway, more interestingly . . .
Rebecca weighs 19 pounds, 6 ounces (20th percentile), measures 30 inches in length (73rd percentile) and has a head circumference of 44 3/4 centimeters (36th percentile). The fact that she is tall and skinny gives me hope that she might one day have a lucrative modeling career. Daddy is just happy she is tall like him, rather than short like her mommy.
Her biggest milestone since her last doctor visit is that she walks. Everywhere. In fact, I would say she rarely crawls anywhere at all anymore. She will even stand up to take just two steps only to sit down again immediately next to a different toy. It seemed like she picked it up really fast. She went from just a few steps to across the room in just a few days, and then to turning around and walking all around rooms in just another few days. She still falls down plenty, and I imagine that will be the case for some time, but I am so proud of how much she has improved in such a short time.
In addition to walking, Rebecca is also eating some finger foods. Cheerios and chunks of cheese are staples in her diet. We’ve had more difficultly introducing other finger foods, but we’ll keep trying because we can’t send her off to college eating pureed squash. We’re also introducing whole milk and trying to wean her from the bottle to a sippy cup.
Had a hard time taking a picture of her this visit. She would not sit on the exam table and cried most of the time even though we were holding her.
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