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Рецепт Really Natural Mint Chocolate Chip Snow Cream
by Jessica Efird

Here in Sweet Peaville we're experiencing our sixth, yes sixth, calamity day. Not sure how I feel about the term "calamity" day since most of our days were far from a calamity; no huge snow or ice event, just cold, cold, cold.

But today our calamity is snow and ice that made a mess of our roads and driveways. With R and G home from school, I tried to employ their strength in clearing our driveway. While they were helpful, the snow and ice that accumulated last night is so heavy that when I put my first shovel scoop throw the mass and tried to lift, it was too much.

This is the type of snow that causes weather forecasters to say on the television, "don't over exert yourself!" and "make sure you're up for shoveling." It is heavy snow, seemingly having the weight per square inch of lead. This is only a slight exaggeration.

Today also marks the beginning of the "Blizzard Bags" that many Ohio schools are using as a way to compensate for being out of school so much this winter. R and G brought theirs home yesterday which was rather foreboding since I still held out hope that there would be school today (ha!). In G's packet he had an assignment to make snow cream.

In classic G form, he took a look at the recipe for vanilla snow cream and asked, "what if we added peppermint and chocolate chips and make Mint Chocolate Chip Snow Cream?!"

Really Natural Mint Chocolate Chip Snow Cream


G, sporting his recently lost tooth-gap-y grin Makes 4 cups snow cream.

Life is sweet,