Рецепт Ranch Style Beans
What is it with my love affair with beans? Do I dig deep into my Mexican genetic pool, to explain why a savory pot of beans makes my world go round? One of my favorite comfort meals would be narrowed down to either Red Beans & Brown Rice, or Chili Con Carne with flour tortillas.
When it comes to grilling season, I'm always game to try a new bean recipes-- to set along side grilled meats. My guests appreciate them, too, and this recipe is no exception. I've always wanted to see if I could make my own Texas Ranch Style Beans.
The first place I searched was one of my favorite cookbooks, "The Homesick Texan" (author/blogger: Lisa Fain). I came up with nothing-- until I searched her blog . Lo and behold, she had created her own version and I decided to try her recipe. I've made a few of her recipes with success (like her Breakfast Migas--yum).
I have nothing against canned beans. But, dried beans are inexpensive and I don't mind giving them an overnight soaking. I do add baking soda, myself, during the soaking process to help-- ahem-- with the after-effects of eating fiber laden beans. (There's a quick soak method, too.)
Ancho chilis are inexpensive and I try to keep a few on hand, in my pantry. In a pre-heated, hot skillet (I prefer cast iron) you want to cook them for a minutes-- kind of a snap, crackle and pop effect. Then, you add water allow them to rehydrate for a bit... oh, an hour should do it.
For spices/aromatics, we'll need brown sugar, paprika, cumin and dried oregano and 15 ounces of tomatoes. We'll need some apple cider vinegar. Plenty of garlic and onion is needed, too-- like one big onion and six cloves of fresh garlic.
In a skillet, with a bit of canola oil, the onions are cooked until soft, and then the garlic is added for about a minute. Now, we add this to a food processor (or you can use an immersion blender) and we add the rehydrated Ancho chiles, spices, water and vinegar. Puree until smooth. I can assure you that this puree is not fire-breathing hot, but it's plenty flavorful. NOTE: I bumped up the cumin a bit more, because I love it. Adjust the seasonings to your own preference.
To the soaked beans, six cups of beef broth is added...
...and the puree is added. Bring the beans to a boil on high, and then cover and simmer for about 2-1/2 hours. Stir occasionally, and check that they beans don't overcook to the point that they become mush. No Bueno. Season with salt & pepper, to your liking.
NOTE: Before you ask if you can cook these in a slow cooker, I would say "no". I believe that dried beans need to be slow simmered, on the stove. Otherwise, you risk them being undercooked-- which isn't a pleasant texture. At some point, I'll try to adapt these using my digital pressure cooker.
Just as Bush's Baked Beans claims their recipe is "top secret", so goes the claim for canned Ranch Style Beans. I give several high-fives to Lisa Fain's version of these beans. The ancho chilis give a rich and smoky flavor to the beans, and I cooked mine to be on the thicker side. For those of you who can't handle really spicy/hot food, these beans will not disappoint. There were no leftovers, or I'd have eaten them the following day. Sigh.
Dear Readers/Fellow Bloggers & Friends-- I am digging deep into my archives of unpublished recipes. As of today, I'm still not able to cook or bake. From the depths of my heart and soul, I thank all of you who left comments about my recent knee surgery. Many of you were very new to me, and I'm so pleased to meet you! You encouragement lifted my spirits, immensely. I'm at "T" minus 14 days until I must return to my job. It's going to be a long road, ahead, for me to be able to stand for lengths at a time. I'm becoming more confident in getting around, but my walker or cane is close at hand. I'm still unable to walk without any kind of assistance.
I weighed myself, yesterday, and I've lost nine pounds! My appetite is much smaller than usual, and I'm pretty much at the mercy of my husband... who still hates to cook, but does the best he can for me. I'm going to try and get back into the kitchen, but I'm not sure I can balance my walker/cane and camera. I'll give it a good try!
I'm in much better spirits, gaining strength every day and have a love/hate relationship with my physical therapy sessions (in my home). I can hardly wait to get the green light from my orthopedic surgeon to get into some water therapy. This is where I feel most confident. Soon!
I love the Food Blogger Community-- you are such loving and supportive folks.
Thank you!