Рецепт Quinoa Veggie Burgers

Excellent source of protein, what I like about these burgers is that they can be frozen and reheated and they're as good as fresh.
Подготовка: | Californian |
Приготовление: | Порций: 16 |
Wine and Drink Pairings: Mexican Beer
- Sauté finely chopped onions over low heat with 2 Tbsps of EVOO. After onions are transparent, turn up heat, add mushrooms, and cook. In sauce pan, add two cups of water and one vegetable bullion cube. Bring to a boil, add quinoa, cover, turn heat to low, cook app. 10 minutes stirring occasionally. Quinoa should look transparent when done and liquid should be mostly gone. Add two frying mushrooms some wine (w/e you have) and continue to cook. In a large mixing bowl put oats, black beans(drained), egg whites, and salsa. Once quinoa is cool and mushrooms are done add to bowl. Mix thoroughly. Should be moist enough to form a patty. Spray cookie sheet with nonstick spray (PAM). Preheat over to 375Ë press mixture into patties keep hands moist (helps keep the patties stay together). Bake 8 min. Remove from oven. Flip burgers and bake 6 more min. Burgers ready to eat. Can freeze for later consumption.