I had a pumpkin left over in my home , hence i made a puree with it . I have already posted a pumpkin Puree made in oven here , but it took longer to bake and puree them . This method is more faster and the entire puree can be made in 10 minutes . Off to the recipe .
Pumpkin - 1 no , cut in halves and De-seeded Water - 1/2 cup
Slice the pumpkin . Take the pressure cooker , add the water and now add the sliced pumpkin to the cooker.
Cover with the lid and pressure cook the contents for 2 hisses . Now open the cooker and allow it to cool an bit . Remove the skin of the pumpkin . Its really easy as the skin nearly fall off once cooked . Transfer the contents to a food processor or a mixer and puree them .
Pumpkin Puree is ready to use .
Transfer the puree to Ziploc covers or boxes and freeze them and use as desired . I made Pumpkin Pancakes using the puree . Click here to check the recipe .
Check out an Indian dessert made with Pumpkin puree here .
Please like my face book page here to get regular recipe updates .
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