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Рецепт Pumpkin Halwa ‘Cheesecake’
by Mini

For pumpkin halwa base: Pumpkin -2 1/2 cups (grated n packed) Organic unrefined cane sugar - 1/2 cup  Cardamom - 4-5 pods (skin removed and powdered) Almond milk - 1/2 cup  For 'cheese'cake: Raw cashew nuts - 1 1/2 cup (preferably soaked for 3-4 hours)  Coconut oil - 1/4 cup Lemon juice - 1/3 cup Raw honey - 1/2 cup Almond milk - 1/4 cup Directions for carrot halwa: Clean, remove skin and grate pumpkin. Start cooking on medium heat covered, stirring frequently. In about 10 minutes, they should be nice and soft. Add almond milk and cook till veggies are cooked well and moisture is completely absorbed for   5-8 minutes.  Add sugar and continue cooking, stirring continuously. Once halwa is soft and easily separating from the pan, switch off the flame.  Grease a 7 inch spring form pan with coconut oil.  Fill the halwa into the pan and spread evenly. Set aside to cool while you prepare the filling. Directions for 'cheese'cake: Blend everything in a high speed blender till creamy. Fill in to spring form pan prepared with pumpkin halwa base. Freeze for several hours to set. (I usually make this previous day) Take out and remove from spring form pan.  Slice and let it thaw for 10-15 minutes before serving. Enjoy in good company !!!