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Рецепт Puff Pastry Pizza with Pesto Rosso, Tomatoes, Fresh Mozzarella and Basil
by Katie Zeller

Pesto Rosso, part II

This is what started it all – my quest to perfect Pesto Rosso, that is.

Well, except that it was a mini-pizza we had for a starter.

After I made the second batch I decided a proper Pizza Pesto Rosso was in order.

In the past I’ve tried Mozzarella di Bufala on pizza and it didn’t work well… It gave off a lot of liquid as it was heated, making the pizza a bit soggy and / or requiring me to pour it off.

This summer I noticed a ‘store brand’ mozzarella that was really cheap, about 10% of the price of a good mozzarella.

I bought some… It was actually quite good. I wouldn’t use it for a Caprese Salad but it worked very well in anything that was cooked.

Puff Pastry Pizza with Pesto Rosso, Tomatoes, Fresh Mozzarella and Basil

Total time: 30 minutes



Lay the pastry crust out on a baking sheet.

Spread the pesto rosso almost to the edge.

Arrange the tomato slices on the pesto.

Arrange the ham, olives and cheese on the tomatoes.

Bake in a preheated oven, 400F (200C) for 15 – 20 minutes, or until crust and top are golden brown.

Remove, top with basil, slice and serve.

You could, of course, use regular pesto….

Last night a couple of trailers showed up and dumped this in our field behind the potager

This morning we stacked it.

In case you’re wondering, that’s 10 cubic meters of wood – each a meter long.

It’s for next year…. This year’s is cut and stacked in the barn.

What did you do today?

As long as I was out and about with my camera….

Everybody loves the sunflowers for the 2 weeks or so they’re in bloom.

This is what they look like for the month or two before harvest.

Not quite as pretty.

Once the field is completely brown they’ll be harvested.

In the meantime the birds are getting their share.

If you want nutrition information, try this site: Calorie Count

Last Updated on September 11, 2013