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Рецепт Preparing for cold season with ARM & HAMMER’s Simply Saline #ARMANDHAMMER
by Anne-Marie Nichols

Preparing for cold season with ARM & HAMMER’s Simply Saline #ARMANDHAMMER

It’s hard to believe, but the Nichols household has already been felled by a cold even before the official first day of fall – and I blame my husband, Paul, for it. As usual, he brought something home from work. Paul gets a doozy of a cold once a year. It goes from “just” a head cold with a stuffed up nose to a chest cold complete with a horrendous cough.

From there, Lucie got a cough and temperature and missed two days of school. I got a massive weeklong headache (along with my usual post-brain surgery headache) because I took all sorts of cold preventive homeopathic remedies. Nathan was either too busy or too lazy to get his dad’s cold. For a kid who was born seven weeks premature weighing under four pounds at birth, he never gets sick. I think he finds being ill way too boring and would rather be at school where all the action is.

It’s inevitable that someone at your house will bring home a cold and share it with the rest your family, which is why you need to be prepared this cold season – and ARM & HAMMER™ can help with Simply Saline™!

ARM & HAMMER Simply Saline

Create a cold first aid kit for your family

When Paul and I got sick, we had to haul our miserable selves to the store because I had nothing in the house but Simply Saline and tissues – no cough drops, no chicken soup, nothing! Here are some of our favorite things that we like to have on hand when we’re sick:

healthy juices

wellness tea, honey and lemon juice (with a shot of bourbon at night!)

cough drops and throat lozenges

tissues – at least one box per family member

night time cough and cold remedy (plus a children’s version)

day time cough and cold remedy (which Paul takes at work)

ibuprofen (plus a children’s version)

vapor rub

a humidifier

a special comfy blanket or shawl, fuzzy socks and slippers

a thermometer

You can create a cold first aid kit of your own by stocking up on items like lip balm, fuzzy socks, and vapor rub at the dollar store. Be on the lookout for coupons for your favorite cold remedies and stock up on juice, soup and tissues during your next shopping trip at Costco or Sam’s Club. Luckily my grocery store had some of my favorite homeopathic cold preventative remedies, but you may want to buy some the next time you go to the health food store if that’s your thing, too.

What do you do when your family comes down with a cold?