Это предварительный просмотр рецепта "Pre-Spring Cleaning".

Рецепт Pre-Spring Cleaning
by Eliot

What’s my New Year’s resolution this year?

Sit back and grab a big mug o’ tea because I have many.

Exercise more—a daily walk and yoga. I haven’t really done either since March 2013.

Don’t let stuff stress me out at work.

Spend at least 15 minutes after work doing something physically constructive. (Check out Old World Gardens “Fifteen-Minute-A-Day” philosophy. They actually built an entire barn with this approach.)

Cook healthier. (Have you noticed my pumpkin soup, lentil soup and granola bar posts?)

Spend another 15 minutes a day doing something clean-worthy in the house.

That leads me to the purpose of this post.

I am a slob. I admit it. (That is #6 on my list—be more honest with myself.) More true confessions—the kitchen is usually a wreck. No, there are no crusty dishes in the sink, but there is just clutter everywhere—mail, recipe clippings, stacks of plates for photo ops, open cookbooks, etc.

And the cabinets—oh, those poor cabinets.

Before…poor things.

At least twice a year I try to give them a spa day. They are abused most of year and they deserve a warming cleansing.

This is a solution that I got from my sister years ago. It is remarkable stuff.

Cabinet Cleaner

from The Sis

3 T. linseed oil

1 T. turpentine

1 qt. hot water

Mix together in a cleaning pail. Dip a soft cloth (like and old wash cloth), into the mixture, wring out well, and go over cabinets. (If you have sensitive skin, please wear rubber or latex gloves.)

Using another dry soft cloth, buff to a shine.

I do not know the origins of this mixture but it is gold! You can buy linseed oil and turpentine at your local hardware store.

After picture. This really doesn’t do justice to how much better my cabinets look.

After the cabinets were all nice and clean we noticed the French doors in the kitchen and the living room looked disgusting. The Hubs mixed up a great window cleaner that he found online.

Magic Window Cleaner

Dissolve cornstarch well in liquid. Wipe on windows and squeegee off.

One caveat here—I don’t know how well this would work without a squeegee. The cornstarch might leave a slight film. I haven’t tried this on mirrors yet. I can say that it worked wonders on our French doors.

Since it is virtually impossible to take a picture of a clean window, I leave you with a nostalgic smile today.

If cleaning was on your list of resolutions this year, I hope this helps you out. Now as far as my resolutions go, I have been doing pretty good with numbers 2, 4 and 5. Still working on the rest.

Here’s to a healthier, less stressful, and more productive 2014!

What were your resolutions this year?

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