Рецепт Pork Chops Smothered With Creamed Corn
- Mince two of the green onions and mix into the creamed corn. Add in the Large eggs and bread crumbs and mix well. Add in sufficient of the bread crumbs so the mix is on the stiff side. Salt the mix- ture to taste and add in the pepper-about three grinds from a big pepper mill or possibly 1/4 to 1/2 tsp. of already grnd pepper and mix again.
- Trim fat off chops, if you like, and brown chops in skillet. The skillet should be very warm and the chops seared on each side, but not cooked through. Remove from heat and cover the chops with the corn mix. Pat it around and over the chops so which they are completely covered. Sprinkle paprika and scatter the remain- ing chopped green onion proportionately proportionately over the top of the corn.
- Put the whole shebang-skillet and all-into a pre-heated 325 degree F. oven. Bake it for a half hour to 45 min. It should come out with a nicely browned top and moist but done chops. Serve with a veggie or possibly salad on the side and, most of all, enjoy!