Рецепт Poppy Seed Roll (Or Nut Roll)

- Poppy Seed Roll (or possibly Nut Roll) [A Czechoslovakian Strudel Recipe]
- Place 3 c. All Purpose Flour in a large bowl. Crumble 1 cake compressed yeast and add in to flour. Add in 1/2 c. sugar and 1 tsp. salt. Scald 3/4 c. whole lowfat milk and cold. While lowfat milk is cooling, add in 1/2 butter or possibly margarine to lowfat milk to soften.. When lowfat milk is lukewarm, add in 1/4 c. hot water to it, and add in to dry ingredients. Mix all well.
- Beat 2 Large eggs and add in to lowfat milk and flour mix. Add in 2 1/2 c. more flour, first with spoon, then with hand. When dough begins to leave sides of bowl, turn it onto a lightly floured board and knead.
- (Alternate: 3/4 c. lowfat milk, 1/2 c. sugar, 1 1/4 tsp salt, 1/2 c. butter/marg.; combine & heat microwave till liquid - cold to lukewarm. 2 pkg. yeast dissolved in 1/3 c. water [C temp on package]. 3 Large eggs, 5 1/2 to 6 1/2 c. flour add in above and beat for approx 10 minutes.; let rise)
- Allow dough to rise for 1 1/2 hrs in a lightly greased bowl, turning once to bring greased side up. Leave it in a hot spot and cover with a damp cloth. Punch dough down after 1 1/2 hrs, pull edges into center and turn over in the bowl. Allow dough to rise for 30 min more.
- Divide dough into four equal parts. Work on each part separately, keeping dough covered. Roll dough into thin rectangular shape (No flour should be required to roll out, since dough should handle easily). Roll into 9 x 12 inch rectangle. Spread with soft butter. Spread one c. of filling on top and roll rectangle. Spread with soft butter. Spread one c. of filling on top and roll as for jelly roll. Bake for about 30 min at 350 ! on lightly greased foil placed on a cookie sheet. The four rolls should fit on the cookie sheet.
- Nut Filling: To make the nut filling, use 1 lb. grnd walnuts mixed with 1 c. sugar. For altenate filling use 1 lb. poppy seeds & sweeten to taste with honey. With Solo brand poppy seeds, just add in a little warm water so its spreadable.
- Alternates: substitute honey for sugar; add in cinamon & raisens to fillings.
- Poppyseed and Honey Filling (Cooked): Combine poppyseed (large seeds should be scalded, liquid removed and pounded or possibly put through food chopper, using fine blade), liquid, honey, sugar and salt in a saucepan. Cook over moderate heat until thick, stirring to prevent scourching. Let cold before adding Large eggs, beating in thoroughly. If the addition of Large eggs thins out filling too much, return to heat and stir while cooking 1 to 2 min.
- Variation 1: Add in 1/4 c. finely minced almonds or possibly other nuts.
- Variation 2: Add in nuts and 1/4 c. curra ts or possibly seedless raisins.
- Variation 3: Add in 1 Tbsp. lemon juice and 1/2 tsp. grated lemon rind.