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Рецепт Pinterest Party: Red Velvet Cake Pie
by Nikki Gladd

Red Velvet cake mix baked in a pie crust and topped with a fudgy layer of chocolate.

Have you ever served your cake as a pie? No? Neither have I, until now. (Thanks to lovely Courtney’s idea!) Pinterest can really enlighten us to some fun ideas that are so simple you think “Why didn’t I think of that!?” These are the ones we re-pin at the speed of lightning, and then if you are anything like me, you forget all about it and never make it.

That’s why I coordinate these Pinterest parties. It forces my friends and I to finally make some of the recipes we pin. Last week, we had our fourth get together and decided on a Valentine’s Day theme. I have to say, the ladies who attended did their thaaang! All of their creative juices came out of the woodworks and they really showed me up.

Someone put together heart pie pops, another brought homemade organic chocolates. So I felt like I cheated a bit when I showed up with an easy cake baked in a pie crust. Ha! But, the ease of this recipe is the reason I chose it from my list of pins. This turned out to be a fun dessert that can be thrown together quickly, which is the kind of recipe this tired mama is looking for these days.

Because you are simply baking a cake mix into a pie crust, then smoothing over a layer of chocolate on top, think of the cool variations you can come up with! Use different flavored cake mixes (maybe even cookie mixes?) and a wild variety of icings! The red velvet and chocolate combination was perfect for Valentine’s Day, so I stayed with that.

Do you make most of the recipes you pin, or are you like me and forget about a lot of them?

Let me challenge you to go to your Pinterest boards right now and pick out a recipe you pinned to include in your meal plan this week. Or, better yet, go and plan your own Pinterest party so you can double whammy it into a time of hanging out with the ladies! :)

Make sure you check out the other Pinterest Party recipes I’ve made here:

Snickers Cake

Baked Buffalo Cauliflower Dip

Cinnamon Roll Sugar Cookie Bars

Chocolate Peppermint Crunch Cookies

What is a Pinterest Party? A bunch of girlfriends and I get together every couple of months to make a recipe or two that we’ve pinned but never tried. It’s a great excuse to get together, chat with new friends and eat good food! Find other successful Pinterest recipes we’ve tested on our group board and follow along as we add more every other month.

Red Velvet Cake Pie

Red velvet cake mix quickly baked into a pie crust and topped with a layer of chocolate icing.

Remove pie crusts from packaging and allow to rest on the counter at room temperature for 10-15 minutes. Roll the pie crusts into the bottom of two ungreased 9-inch pie plates. Meanwhile, preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

For the cake:

In a medium mixing bowl, prepare the cake mix according to the box directions. Evenly divide the batter into the two pie crusts. Bake for 30 to 35 minutes, or until the pie crusts are golden and a toothpick inserted into the middle of each cake comes out clean. If one cake is done before the other, simply remove that cake from the oven and allow a few more minutes for the other to bake through. Watch the pie crusts. If they start to brown too much, cover the edges loosely with foil to prevent burning. Remove cakes from the oven and let cool.

To make the topping (this step can be done either when the cake is still warm or cooled):

In a medium pot, heat the butter, chocolate chips and sweetened condensed milk over medium heat, stirring until melted together and smooth. Pour evenly over both pie crusts. Immediately sprinkle with miniature chocolate chips for garnish (optional). Work quickly, as the chocolate icing sets fast!

Allow the cake to cool completely (at least 2 hours for best results) before slicing. You can store covered at room temperature or in the fridge for up to 2 days.

Recipe Source: Pizzazzerie2.2


Copyright Seeded at the Table