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Рецепт Pineapple Upside Down Cake
by Nisa Homey

Pineapple upside down cake, a classic cake which makes an awesome center piece at any party, so very gooey and fresh!!

2014 is finally here!! I thought I'll welcome the New Year with a cake!! Wish all of you a happy and blessed New Year!!

Okay! guys, isn't she a beauty?? I had so much fun baking this awesome cake and the kitchen smelled heaven, you might have probably guessed by now that I am a big fan of pineapple, I don't waste the peels; I make pineapple wine with it, I love making pineapple jam, pineapple preserve, pineapple squash etc etc.

Pineapples are in plenty during this time of the season, and this time when I got one, I thought of making pineapple upside down cake, which I have never made before....and I decided to try it with my tried and tested fresh orange cake recipe. I love the texture of orange cake, and thought I will substitute the orange puree with pineapple juice and I used one whole pineapple and a few cherries....and needless to say the cake came out so perfect and yum! The cake had a lovely texture and I loved the pineapple flavor....I did not use any essence or color....just pure fresh pineapple!!

Once the cake was turned over, the juices started to seep in and made it so delish....and I was glad that I tried this awesome cake.....it sure is winner, especially for parties...I mean who could take eyes off from this gorgeous cake!!

Author: Nisa Homey

Notes: #The pineapple slices are laid on top of butter and sugar and then topped with cake batter, this cooks/stews the pineapple with sugar and butter while baking and releases a lot of juice while baking. So when the cake is turned upside down after baking, the juice will seep into the cake, and thus the cake is very moist.

#To make it more presentable, I added cherries.

# I use one whole medium sized pineapple for this cake.


For the Base:

Pineapple slices: 5

Cherries: 10-15.

Sugar: 1/2 cup.

Butter: 1/4 cup, melted.

For the Cake:

Butter: 1/2 cup, 1 stick.(I used unsalted homemade butter)

Sugar: 1 cup.

Flour: 2 cups.

Salt: 1/2.


Here is a look at the pineapple I used.

All sliced up.

Pour the melted butter into the baking pan.

Preheat oven to 180 degree C.

Mix flour and Baking powder and keep aside.(Rule of thumb of baking is to sift flour and baking powder, but I like to break the rules, wink! wink!)

Sprinkle sugar.

Arrange sliced pinapple and cherries. Keep this aside.

Put the rest of the pineapple into a blender and puree it. Keep it aside.

Add the flour and baking powder...

And add in the pureed pineapple...about 1 cup and cream or fold lightly.....the batter should be fluffy and spongy....not very loose, add the pineapple puree accordingly....until you the the consistency....maybe a little more or little less.

Fluffy creamy batter is what I like for my cake.

With a spatula wipe down the sides of the cake-batter- pan.

Pour into the pineapple laden baking tray.

Bake at 180 degree C for 20-30 min or until done. When cooled down, run a knife through the sides.

And turn the cake upside down.

So yum!! and easy!! with fresh pineapple.....no added flavors!!
