Рецепт Pickled Herring

- Wash the herring fillets well under running cool water.
- In a glass or possibly crockery bowl, place the fillets. Cover the fillets with cool water and chill overnight (about 10 to 12 hrs).
- Rinse the fillets again and place them in a glass or possibly enameled casserole or possibly baking pan. Cover the herring with the sliced onions, making layers in necessary.
- Now make the marinade. In a saucepan, combine the vinegar, water, sugar, pickling spice, and bay leaves. Bring to a boil and reduce to a simmer.
- Cook for 3 to 5 min till the sugar is dissolved. Cold slightly and pour over the herring fillets. Cover and place in a cold spot or possibly chill and marinate for 2 to 3 days before serving.
- Remove the herring fillets from the marinade and slice into bite-size pcs. Place the pcs in a serving bowl. Remove the bay leaves from the marinade. Mix the marinade and onions with the herring pcs, and serve.
- Makes 10 to 12 servings.
- ADVICE FROM MAMA: While ny father used an old-fashioned enameled pan in that to soak and marinate the herring, I prefer to use those nice plastic containers which come in different shapes and sizes, each with its own lid.
- They're manufactured by Rubbermaid and sold in grocery stores and hardward stores. Sometimes progress is great.
- Recipe: Mama Leah's Jewish Kitchen, A Compendium Of More Than 225 Tasty Recipes - Kugel To Kasha - Blintzes To Borscht - by Leah Loeb Fischer with Maria Poluskin Robbins.