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Рецепт Pesto Rosso, a meme
by Katie Zeller

I have a confession to make….

All the times I have raved about Pesto Rosso, and we love Pesto Rosso, it’s been a store-bought Pesto Rosso.

Barilla to be exact.

When I did the Pesto Rosso Pizza one of my readers asked if I could post the recipe for the Pesto Rosso.


Pride dictates that I can’t just send her to the store for a jar.

Curiosity (and a bumper crop of basil) dictates that I come up with a recipe.

And so I did.

I did a bit of internet research, read the list of ingredients on the jar of Barilla, and then (as usual) decided to do it my way.

The biggest difference between mine and the ones I found on the internet is I used fresh Roma rather than sun-dried tomatoes. I’ve never been a fan of sun-dried tomatoes. I skipped that fad, whenever it was that they were in everything.

The biggest difference between mine and Barilla is I used more basil.

And a few other things….

Pesto Rosso

Total time: 10 minutes


3 Roma tomatoes, peeled

1 cup basil, leaves only, lightly packed – meaning somewhere between crushing it into the measuring cup and dropping it in.


Put everything but the oil in a blender.

Add 1/4 cup oil and blend. Add more oil as needed. It really depends on how tightly you packed the basil and how big the tomatoes are.

My Pesto Rosso is in the dish; the Barilla Pesto Rosso is in the spoon.

The difference?

Mine is a bit chunkier and tastes more of basil. Actually, mine (IMHO) is more complex and the individual flavors are more discernible….. Kind of like the difference between salsa and ketchup.

I’m quite pleased with it, but there are a few tweaks I’ll make next time… I’ll keep you posted.

New topic:

I was thinking the other day that it’s been forever since a meme has come my way. Back in the early days of blogging they were everywhere.

I’m not saying I miss them or even want them, just that they seemed to have fallen to the wayside.

Or maybe they’re just something new bloggers do.

Guess I was wrong.

Thanks, Zoomie, I needed a break, LOL

1. Who or what has had the greatest impact on your life?

Learning to read. It opened up the world for me, past, present and future. Wanting to see more of the world has been a driving force. There’s so much I haven’t seen yet… best get busy.

2. What is your favorite thing to cook?

First courses. They’re small and because they’re small they can be fun, fanciful and decadent. One can turn almost any dish into a first course. Something that is too caloric for a main course can be a perfect starter.

3. Where do you hope to travel next?

Everywhere. If I had no restraints (like money or politics) I’d first like to visit all of the ancient sites in: Greece, Rome, Egypt, Peru, Chile, Cambodia, Myanmar, China….

4. What is your dream job?

So many choices…. astronomer, paleontologist, writer, personal chef, independently wealthy… oh wait, that’s not a job….

5. Favorite book?

I think Margaret Atwood’s, ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ is one of the scariest books every written, and Ken Grimwood’s ‘Replay’ the most thought provoking. But a favorite? It’s not possible to decide.

6. If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?

Make everyone literate…. If everyone could read and had access to books I think the rest of the problems would soon get worked out. Maybe history would finally stop repeating.

7. What is your greatest talent?

Perseverance and the ability to solve problems / puzzles.

8. What skill do you wish you had?

The ability to walk away from problems I can’t solve instead of getting up at dawn to work on it again.

9. Do you prefer sweet or savory?


10. Have you ever lived abroad? If so, where?

I live in France – and have lived in Ireland and Andorra.

11. What motivates you to keep blogging?

Sometimes / often I wonder about that…. Probably the dogs.

If you want nutrition information, try this site: Calorie Count

Last Updated on August 30, 2013