Рецепт Peach and Apricot Muffin with Custard Filling

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Muffins are sometimes boring that is why when my daughter describes it as an ugly cupcake I can relate to it. Having said that muffins can be also amazing all you need to do is to give it some tender loving care, don’t just put your usual flavour to it, put something to wow the ones who will be consuming them. Take this muffin for example, this Peach and Apricot Muffin it is loaded with goodness like its custard filling and a crusty buttery topping.

This is inspired by my Peaches and Cream Cheese muffins and Blueberry muffins where I combined the idea of a having a filling at the same time giving it a crunchy topping. The result was great and we love it.

Peach and Apricot Muffin with Custard Filling Prep time 1 hour 30…

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