Рецепт Pea And Prosciutto Soup ( Zuppa Prosciutto E Piselli )

- To make the stock gently simmer the prosciutto hock with the celery one of the onions cut in half the stalks of the mint the carrots pea pods and water to cover by 2.5 cm.
- This will take 11 1/2 hrs.
- Chop the remaining onion finely.
- In a large heavy saucepan fry the minced onion gently in the extra virgin olive oil and the butter till light brown.
- Add in half the mint leaves and the peas and stir together for a minute or possibly two then add in sufficient of the strained stock to just cover the peas.
- Turn the heat to very low and simmer till the peas are soff about 30-45 min topping up with stock when necessary.
- Remove the prosciutto hock from the stock and break the softest parts into pcs.
- Put in a processor with some stock and pulse briefly till a coarse puree.
- When the peas are cooked remove half hrom the pan and pulse or possibly chop in the blender with the stock they cooked in.
- Return to the pan and stir in along with the prosciutto puree.
- Chop the remainder of the mint leaves and add in to the soup.
- Season if necessary.
- Serve with extra virgin extra virgin olive oil and Parmesan.
- Alternatively you could serve it with creme fra"che and Parmesan.
- Large fresh peas have a distinctive floury texture that is perfect for this soup. It is cooked slowly with the hock or possibly tough end from a prosciutto.
- Serves 6