Рецепт Paul Prudhomme's Blackened Redfish

- I thought some of ya'll who do not have his LOUISIANA KITCHEN cookbook might like to have these recipes and I already had them typed. I agree with everyone else who raves about his recipes. They cannot be beaten! I have made the gumbo numerous times, and crawfish etouffee is one of the best things I have EVER eaten! I will have to type it later, though. And the blackened fish (I use catfish, BTW, cooked inside, sauteed really) is outstanding. In fact, I am making it tonight! Enjoy!
- You cannot do the real recipe indoors, so I have adapted it for indoor cooking. Otherwise, it smokes too much. Outdoors, you heat an iron skillet on high for at least 10 minutes. till past smoking and white ash appears in it. It cannot be too warm. If you do it outdoors in a very warm skillet, be careful with pouring the butter on as it will flame up.
- Combine seasoning ingredients. Dip each fillet in melted butter, then sprinkle seasoning on both sides, generously, patting in with hand. Place in skillet heated to med-hi and pour 1 teaspoon melted butter on top. Cook about 2 minutes. and turn over and again pour 1 teaspoon melted butter on top. Cook about 2 minutes. Turn and cook another 2 minutes. with another teaspoon butter poured on top, till done. Repeat with remaining fillets. Serve piping warm. This is very delicious, even if not truly "blackened".