Рецепт Pasta with uncooked tomato sauce
It’s that time of year again. What time? The time where your garden overfloweth with bountiful vegetables but it is too damn hot to cook.
Tons of zucchini but I’ll be darned if I’m going to turn my oven on these days to make zucchini bread. Tons of squash but not a casserole to be seen. Tons of tomatoes just begging to be made into spaghetti sauce. But simmering a vat o’ liquid stovetop for hours? Yeah, not going to happen. It is just too damn hot.
But this recipe saved the day. I will warn you, however, that it can only be made with the freshest tomatoes, picked at their sweetest moment, and good (Ina Garten good) olive oil. With barely a handful of ingredients, there’s no hiding less-than-stellar ingredients. And during this time of year, there’s no excuse for bad tomatoes.
- Pasta with Uncooked Cherry Tomato Sauce (4, adapted from CI via The Way the Cookie Crumbles)
- 1.5 pounds fresh cherry tomatoes, diced
- 3 scallions, sliced
- 12 oz pasta
- 1 garlic clove, minced
- salt and pepper
- 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
- chopped parsley, for garnish
Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Cook pasta according to package directions. While waiting for pasta to boil, assemble sauce by combined chopped cherry tomatoes, sliced scallions, minced garlic, and olive oil in a large boil. Turn ingredients a few times to coat evenly. Season with salt and pepper.
Drain cooked pasta and toss with cherry tomato sauce. Yum.