Это предварительный просмотр рецепта "Paneer Potato Pops | For Blog Hop Wednesdays".

Рецепт Paneer Potato Pops | For Blog Hop Wednesdays
by Radhika


Boil the potatoes and mash them well. Dip the bread slices in little water and squeeze out water completely by pressing it well between your palms.

In a bowl mix together mashed potatoes, crumpled paneer, finely chopped onion, green chilly, ginger, red chilli powder, garam masala powder, coriander leaves, lemon juice, salt and a tsp of oil.

Make small balls or into any required shape of your choice. Spread the bread crumbs on a plate and roll these balls over them so that they are well coated.

Heat oil in a pan and slip them 3 or 4 at a time and deep fry till they are brown in color and remove on a kitchen paper. Serve hot with Tomato Sauce.

More over do you all know that we, the Blog Hoppers are completing 3 whole months of this Blog hop and not to say that this has been such a learning experience for me. Just see below what all I had made during the previous 6 blog hops. I feel so proud of my own accomplishment.

This is off Blog Hop Wednesdays ~ Week 7 and to Let’s Cook ~ Hibernative Foods. Do take a moment to check here what, all the my other foodie friends have rustled to treat your eyes.