Это предварительный просмотр рецепта "PANEER PAKORA".

by Aruna Manikandan


Paneer Pakora - A spicy and tasty fritters with cottage cheese dipped in a batter of gram flour. Pakora's are a common and popular snacks or appetizers made with vegetables like cauliflower, potatoes and brinjal. These paneer pakora's tastes a lot more different ,as they are spicy and crisp on the outside and very soft inside.

For this pakora you need


Heat oil in a deep kadhai.

In a bowl, mix all the ingredients required for the batter with sufficient water.

Dip paneer into the batter and gently drop them in hot oil. Fry until they turn golden brown, drain them on a kitchen towel.

Crispy and tasty Paneer Pakora's are ready to be served.....

Serve these Paneer Pakora's with tomato ketchup and enjoy :)