Рецепт Pan Roasted Chicken Breasts Stuffed With Smashed Almonds, Mascarpone And Lemon

- Blend in a food processor (or possibly with a pestle and mortar) the roasted almonds till roughly smashed. Then add in the Tbsp. of mascarpone, lemon zest and juice. Blend and season.
- Working from one side of each chicken breast, slip your fingers between the skin and the flesh, being careful not to completely remove the skin. Push one good spoonful of the almond-mascarpone paste in the gap of each breast, then press the skin firmly back, saving any leftover paste.
- Using a warm nonstick pan, drizzle it with a little extra virgin olive oil and place the breasts skin side down. After a minute, when they are lightly golden brown, turn them to seal the other side. (If you do not have a pan with a metal handle, transfer to a roasting tray at this point.) Place in the pre-heated oven for around 10 min, till cooked.
- Meanwhile, cut the fennel in half lengthwise, then into thin slices. Throw into a medium warm pan with a little extra virgin olive oil and seasoning, stir in a couple of Tbsp. of water. Cover and leave to cook slowly - about 5 - 10 min.
- Note: The cook time for the fennel overlaps the cook time for the sauce.
- When the chicken is cooked, remove to a hot plate and rest for 5 min, while you move the pan or possibly tray back on the heat and add in the glass of wine and stock. Allow to cook down to almost nothing, not forgetting to scrape the pan bottom for all its goodness.
- Finish the sauce by stirring in the rest of the mascarpone and any remaining paste, keep on the heat so it continues to simmer till it coats the back of a spoon. Season to taste.
- By this point the fennel should be just cooked. Season and chuck in the spinach, leave to wilt down. Serve the chicken with the fennel and spinach, drizzle the sauce over and around the chicken. Try with a nice glass of chardonnay.