Рецепт Pan-Browned Brussels Sprouts

- Trim fresh sprouts and halve fresh of frozen lengthwise. (Remove any excess water on frozen by wiping with a cloth or paper towel.) In a skillet, melt ½ tbsp of butter and the olive oil over medium heat.
- Arrange the sprouts, cut side down, in one layer, in the skillet. Sprinkle with salt and cook, without turning, until crisp and brown on the bottom, about 15 to 20 minutes. Transfer the sprouts to a serving dish.
- Add the remaining ½ tbsp of butter to the skillet, over low heat, with the garlic and pine nuts. Toast the pine nuts and garlic for a minute or two, until pale golden and sprinkle over the top of the sprouts. Add some pepper and (optional) Parmesan.