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Рецепт Overnight Oats Recipe - Mango Lassi Overnight Oats
by Nisa Homey

Overnight oats recipe (Indian style mango lassi overnight oats/oatmeal), have you heard of overnight oats? they are quick and easy oats recipe for that busy mornings or if you are on a weight loss plan. Overnight oats are made by soaking oats in milk, yogurt, water, or even fruit juice and kept in fridge for a few hours or overnight. They can be topped with your favourite fruits and dry fruits and the best of all it's NO COOK!! And it takes just under 5 minutes to prepare them and your breakfast is ready to serve the next day. They will keep you fuller for a long time too. Need any excuse for skipping the most important meal of the day??

Okay, back to the overnight oats recipe, usually they are prepared in a mason jar or a glass container with a lid for the sole reason they can be able to be carried to work place. If you plan to take this to office/college then make sure you have secured the lid tightly. You can also make this in a bowl also.

You may have doubts regarding using uncooked oats; no worries, quick oats or rolled oats are dehydrated and pre-cooked, and that makes everything easy and quick, right??

To make it low calorie, use only skimmed milk and yogurt (curd), do not use sugar, but if you prefer you can add in honey or maple syrup, but since the mangoes we get here are moderately sweet omitting honey would be wise choice to keep the calories away.

I used mango for this recipe and since I noticed that the fruits mixed in with oats tends to be soggy; I went a step ahead and mixed half of the mango with yogurt, milk...and that made it our good old mango lassi.....mixed in with oats...no soggy mangoes too.

I reserved some mangoes to top it and kept it in another container in the fridge.

I have recipes coming up with variations to this, and Homey and myself are really enjoying this easy and filling breakfast.

Since we are in the midst of fiery summer here; we liked it straight from the fridge; but if you like to warm it, then I would suggest you to keep it at room temp for 30 mins (just take them out from fridge as soon as you get up and place on the kitchen counter). I personally do not like to use microwave, so I would not suggest you to warm the oats in microwave.

Mango Lassi Overnight Oats Video Recipe:



Chop mangoes and add in half of the mangoes into a blender along with milk, curd, cardamon seeds, and honey. Blend well.

Add oats into a jar/bowl. Pour in the blended mango lassi and mix well. Keep in fridge overnight.

Serve next day morning topped with the rest of the chilled mangoes and crushed walnuts.

Serve immediately chilled.

Watch my video for more tips and tricks.