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Рецепт Out of the Kitchen 10/17/13
by Renee@MKA

All things Fall. Before you know it, old man winter will be rearing his ugly head. (In fact, there is snow in our forecast for next week!! YIKES!) So let's take a moment to enjoy fall, shall we?


I just love them...and I especially love Honeycrisp Apples...

This past week I picked up some gorgeous HUGE Honeycrisp apples. Look at how big these suckers are! I have pretty much come to the conclusion, a better apple variety to "eat out of hand" simply does not exist. There really is no better time of year to enjoy fresh apples than now!

Next up...Fall Candles.

OMG. This new fall candle scent from Bath & Body Works is wonderful. I can't explain the scent to you, but it is definitely fall in a jar! I keep this one in my foyer and burn it almost daily.

What would fall be without the annoying acorns and hickory nuts ALL OVER MY BACK YARD?? These hickory nuts keep the squirrels happy, but they leave a terrible mess when they crack them open...and can you imagine getting hit in the head by ones of these things falling off the trees?? And forget about walking through the backyard with bare feet!!

and leaves....let's not forget the never ending job of leaf clean up! (Our property is a "wooded lot") Hickory, Maple, Oak...

We are definitely going to have to make time to put all the patio furniture away until next year soon...:( Good-bye to my favorite place to get food photos in natural light...you will be missed!

Fall time allows for some pretty weird fungus to appear in my backyard. This is the strangest mushroom I have seen growing yet!

Although this is not fall related, I have been super addicted to listening to this station on Pandora radio!

I just LOVE Pandora! I love that I can put on any station to listen to music that I am in the mood for in any particular moment. What's your favorite Pandora station?

And lastly, this past week, the Target I frequent finally opened up their Fresh Foods area. They also greatly expanded the packaged food area of the store as well. I found this new product and gave it a try on Monday.

That's all I've got for this week. Hope everyone takes a few moments to enjoy what is left of fall in your area!