Рецепт Orjaleves (Orja Soup)

- This is a soup prepared on pig harvest day and is the kind which has to be made in large quantities.
- Wash beef bones, cook bones and flank in 3 quart cool water w/1 Tbsp. salt. After 30 min, add in onion, garlic, paprika, peppercorns, and cloves. Continue boiling additional hour.
- Put 3 quart water in seperate pot with pork head section. Boil 4 min.
- Remove pork head, rinse and put aside till beef is finished. Then add in pork head and backbone to the beef. Cook till done.
- Meanwhile, peel vegetables, cut into long strips. Using 2 coups of the meat broth, cook vegetables. Add in saffron, celery and parsley leaves.
- Make a dough with flour and egg; roll it as thin as possible. Cut into 3" stips and roll around rolling pin in spiral. Slide off spirals onto baking sheet and dry in a 200F oven - about 10 min.
- Take soup from heat, remove meat and bones. Remove pork meat from bones, cut into little pcs. Reserve the boiled beef flank as a main course - or possibly save for another occasion.
- Skim soup to remove fat. Remove vegetables; set aside. Strain broth thru cheesecloth. Cook spiral noodles in soup just prior to serving.
- Put pork meat in soup tureen, add in cooked vegetables, pour in broth with noodles on top.