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Рецепт Orange Coconut Sugar Scrub
by Our Best Bites

As I see my bulbs sprouting and my grass starting to grow again, I’m itching to pack away my heavy, spicy candles and soaps and bust out the fresh scents–citrus and coconut scents, things that smell like exotic drinks and faraway locations. This winter has been a weird one and I’m really ready to for spring to be here!

But it’s still kind of winter-y–even here in Louisiana, as I write this, it’s below freezing outside and school has been cancelled for the next two days and I’m wearing workout leggings and fuzzy socks and a lounge-y hoodie (a.k.a. my winter uniform). All of our skin is dry and crackly and itchy as we ride out this last little leg of winter.

I whipped this Orange Coconut Sugar Scrub up for my daughter the other day because her skin bothers her so much in the winter, then I loved how it smelled so much that I now have a giant tub of it in our fridge that we can all use on our stubborn winter skin. The orange is fresh and bright and perfect for lifting our moods on dreary days, the hints of coconut remind us that warmer days just around the corner, but it also scrubs and moisturizes beautifully. Plus, if you’ve ever made orange rolls and you wish you could slather yourself in the filling, now’s your chance.

You’re going to need 1/2 cup of virgin coconut oil (so the stuff that still smells like coconuts. I’ve recommended this brand before, but it’s what I always use), 1 cup of white sugar, and the zest of an orange.

Combine the coconut oil

and sugar together. Add the orange zest. If you don’t have a Microplane, you need one! This is one of my all-time favorite, can’t-cook-without kitchen gadgets!

and mix well. This works best if you keep a small amount in the shower and the rest in the refrigerator and then take it out as needed.

Orange Coconut Sugar Scrub

By Our Best Bites



Combine the coconut oil and sugar together. Add the orange zest and mix well. This works best if you keep a small amount in the shower and the rest in the refrigerator and then take it out as needed.