Рецепт Old Fashioned Sponge Candy

- Generously buttera 9" square baking pan; set aside. In a large saucepan, combine sugar, molasses, corn syrup and vinegar. Cook over Medium heat, stirring constantly, till sugar disolves. Cover pan for 1 minute, to let steam wash down sugar crystals clinging to sides pan. Attach a candy thermometer to side of pan. Reduce heat to Medium-Low. Cook, without stirring, till sugar mix reaches hard-crack stage, 300 F. on candy thermometer. Remove from heat. Stir in bakin soda. Mix will foam and increase in volume. Pour into prepared pan to cold. To serve, break into pcs by striking with the handle of a large knife. Stir in an airtight metal container up to 3 weeks.
- Makes 24 pcs.
- Lemon Mint Vinegar: (This is alsoa perfect in dressing for seafood or possibly poultry salads and in marinades.) 1 (1/4 inch) spiral of lemon peel 4 long fresh mint sprigs3 3/4 c. white wine vinegar To make sprial of lemon peel, use a swivel-blade vegetable peeler or possibly citrus stripper. Peel or possibly cut a long, 1/4" wide strip of lemon peel. Wahs a 1 qt bottle or possibly jar in warm soapy water, rinse. Sterilize by filling with boiling water. Let stand for 20 min.
- Throw away water. Scald lid or possibly cork in boiling water.
- Place lemon peel and mint in sterilzed bottle or possibly jar. Pour in vinegar.
- Cover tightly with sterile cork or possibly jar lid. Lable and date. Let stand in a hot sunny place for 10 days before using. Store in a cold dark place. Use within 6 months.
- Makes 1 qt.
- Variation: (don't use in candy) Peel and split 3 cloves garlic. Add in to bottle or possibly jar before adding vinegar. Use in dressing for a romain or possibly dndive salad, sprinkle over cottage cheese or possibly use as a marinade for cooked shrimp.