Рецепт nyfoods
Dwight Martin's hens have an amazing view of a fingerlake from their pasture - they produce top recognized nyeggs
Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. ~Goethe
I don't usually write personal posts, but I thought I'd share that I've started a new job. I've joined nyfoods! We've been working together for the last few months, and I am thrilled about the company, its mission, and its people. nyfoods provides a line of clean, sustainable dairy products from small family farms in Upstate New York to the local tri-state market. It's food the way it should be. All the animals are on grass (even the chickens), and the average herd size is 45 cows so each animal is respected. We have a Fair Wage Guarantee for all the farmers and we're also committed to fair prices -- quality food should be available to everyone, not just the affluent. However,we're not cheap since quality food is not cheap to produce, even though many people try to lower their cost of living through food (which is a little wacky since food is one of the most important factors for your health). Our prices are fair.
In an odd way I think you, this blog, and my new job are somehow connected. I started and continue this little blog for you. When I interviewed the founders of nyfoods for a dairy post I was blown away by their sense of purpose (they started the company to create a brand that would support organic farmers, and subsequently save more farms). A couple months after that, Zappos sent me their book about finding happiness at work. Coincidence? Perhaps I'm just searching for a sign? Mayhaps. Anyway, I think all those things lead me to nyfoods. For once I'm combining my passion with my professional life. It feels right. It's also fun - I feel lucky that I get to work with Dean, Johan and Dan on a daily basis. It's a group of passionate, down to earth, smart, kinda crazy people and we're all motivated by getting good food to others.
There won't be any nyfoods marketing on MindfulEats, but I may share some information I learned. Though to toot our horn just one time - nyeggs won the highest level of distinction from the Cornucopia Group and was rated exemplary .
Thanks for reading MindfulEats and accompanying my journey!
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What I ate: 16 oz latte, nycheese, 1 hardboiled eggs, Mindful Mix, brown rice + ground flaxseeds + seaweed, steamed tempeh + enoki mushrooms + broccoli, Siggi blueberry yogurt, small Eataly chocolate gelato, chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream, macadamia nuts, 40 oz. water
Exercise: 6 mile track workout