I use instant noodles "cakes" for this. I partially cook them in boiling water prior to using, in order to get rid of the "oil" which they have been pre-fried in during manufacturing. Switch to healthier, "fry-able" options such as Udon, Fresh Egg Noodles or Pasta, if you have to.
The roasted/toasted seaweed sheets used here are from snack packs. So, if you find yourself or your kids snacking those, these snacking seaweed can add flavor to stir-fry noodles. Seaweed contains mineral macro- and micro- nutrients (e.g. calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iodine, iron, zinc, copper, selenium) and vitamins. We usually make Seaweed Soup with seaweed.
Cabbage is naturally sweet tasting, high in Vitamin K and C, and contains phyto-nutrients much needed in our body. Not forgetting shitake mushrooms which contain iron and active compound - lentinan, for our immnue system. I use fresh shitake mushrooms here as I find they sufficiently pack the earthy flavors I wanted in such stir-fry noodles. You can opt to use dried shitake mushrooms (re-hydrate before using). The savoriness and unami in dried shitake mushrooms are much stronger than fresh ones.