Это предварительный просмотр рецепта "No-Carb Avgolemono".

Рецепт No-Carb Avgolemono
by Steve D

No-Carb Avgolemono

This modification of a Greek classic tastes great and saves well.

Рейтинг: 5/5
Avg. 5/5 1 голос
Подготовка: Греция Greek
Приготовление: Порций: 1


  • 1 rotisserie chicken
  • 8 eggs
  • 1 Lemon
  • Salt
  • Ground Black Pepper
  • 2 gallons water (tap water is ok)


  1. First you'll need a freshly made chicken stock.
  2. Take your rotisserie chicken (The wife and I prefer Sam's Club's) and strip the meat from it and set the meat aside.
  3. Toss the bones into a large (at least 2 gallon) kettle, and add about a gallon of water so the bones are covered.
  4. Heat the stock to a roiling boil and then immediately lower the temperature to it's lowest setting, cover and let simmer for at least 6 hours.
  5. At this point, some people like to add spice to flavor the chicken stock, but I recommend a "bland" stock for this recipe.
  6. At the three hour mark, add more water so that the bones/carcass are completely covered.
  7. After simmering 6 hours, strain the broth into another kettle/large bowl and throw away the bones. If you want to remove the fat, allow the stock to cool and then scoop the floating fat off the top with a spoon.
  8. Put the stock back in a stove top safe kettle and heat to a roiling boil and then turn the heat to about 50%.
  9. Crack all 8 eggs into a mixing bowl (if you have a KitchenAide Mixer, I recommend using it here).
  10. With a whisk, beat the eggs until frothy.
  11. Turn off the stove top.
  12. Slowly temper the stock into the eggs as you're beating the eggs. Again go slowly. (If you go too fast, you'll end up with what looks like egg drop/egg flour soup.)
  13. Once the eggs are tempered to a point where the mixing bowl is very warm to the touch, introduce the egg/broth mixture slowly back into the broth kettle. The result should look very "creamy".
  14. Finally, take the chicken meat you set aside, tear it up into bite size pieces and drop the meat into the soup.
  15. Cut the lemon in half and squeeze lemon juice to flavor.
  16. Use the salt and pepper to flavor sparingly.