Это предварительный просмотр рецепта "No-Bake Blueberry Yogurt Cheesecake 免考蓝莓优格芝士蛋糕".

Рецепт No-Bake Blueberry Yogurt Cheesecake 免考蓝莓优格芝士蛋糕
by Anncoo

I've bought quite a lot of blueberries lately and still have some leftover sitting in my fridge for more than 3 days. As I wanted to finish off the blueberries quickly, I made them into a small healthy no-bake cheesecake. Just spend a few minutes to cook the blueberry puree and you're already halfway through. Nothing is wasted in this recipe, as after I've extracted the blueberry liquid, I spread the remaining blueberry paste onto a slice of bread. Not only does this blueberry cheesecake look pretty but you'll definitely enjoy this tangy sweet cool dessert in this exceptionally hot weather.

No-Bake Blueberry Yogurt Cheesecake


Biscuit base

80g digestive biscuit crumbs (crush biscuits by hand)

40g melted butter

Grease the sides of a 6 inch removable cake pan and line the bottom with parchment paper. Combine biscuit crumbs with melted butter. Pressing the biscuit crumbs with your hand at the bottom of the lined cake pan. Place the cake pan in the refrigerator for later use.

Melt soaked gelatin under double boiler.

Place all the cream cheese filling ingredients together with melted gelatin in the food processor and blend until smooth. Pour cream cheese filling into the prepared cake pan and place it in the refrigerator to set for at least 3 hours or overnight.

Combine the remaining blueberry puree (about 110g), 1tsp lemon juice and 60ml water together in a small pot. Sprinkle 1/2 tbsp gelatin powder over it and bring to boil at medium low heat. Stir constantly until gelatin melted and set aside to cool. Then gently pour over cold cheesecake. Chill the cake for another hour before serving.

饼底 (1个6寸蛋糕活动底盘,旁边抹油,底部铺纸)

80克 全麦消化饼干,用手压碎

40克 融化牛油

150克 新鲜或冷冻蓝莓

75克 细糖

3/4汤匙 柠檬汁

60毫升 水, 1茶匙 柠檬汁和1/2汤匙 (6克)鱼胶粉 (表层用)



250克 奶油芝士,温室软化

85克 糖粉,过筛

200克 优格/酸奶

1茶匙 Vanilla 香精

1汤匙 柠檬汁

3汤匙 蓝莓酱

12克 鱼胶粉+2汤匙水,浸泡2分钟


将剩下的蓝莓酱(约110克), 1茶匙柠檬汁和60毫升水一起放入小锅中。撒入1/2汤匙鱼胶粉,以中小火煮滚,烹煮中要不停的搅拌致鱼胶粉融化,待凉。然后慢慢在以凝固的芝士蛋糕上。再度置冰箱冷藏1个小时即可享用。