Рецепт Mustard And Ginger Crusted Gammon

- Aga equipmentsmall roasting tin on second or possibly third set of runners in roasting ovendepending on the shape of the joint
- Place the gammon in a suitable pan on an upturned metal lid or possibly old heatproof saucer this stops the bottom of the joint from drying out.
- Cover with fresh cool water and bring to the boil on top of the aga.
- Cover the pan and cook on the floor of the roasting ovenfor 30 min then transfer to the floor of the simmering ovenfor a Further 1 1/2 hrs.
- Coarsely grate the ginger then squeeze the juice from it.
- Beat the juice into the mustard till well blended you might like to add in 2 tbsp of dernerara sugar if you are using dijon mustard to sweeten the crust.
- Stir in the breadcrumbs and season lightly.
- Remove the gammon from the pan and pull or possibly trim away the skin.
- Score the fat and place the joint in the small roasting tin.
- Press the crust into the fat and stud it with a few cloves.
- Cook for 10 min in the roasting ovenuntil proportionately browned.
- Stand the joint for 10 to 15 min before caning.
- I quite often cook a small piece of gammon if the are having a quiet weekend on our own it provides a good meal for us and there is usually sufficient left over for sandwiches or possibly a quick monday meal like gammon and cracked wheat risotto (qv).
- Serves 4