Рецепт Muslim Beef Curry

- Cut beef into 2 m cubes.
- Roast chillies coriander seeds and shrimp paste in a dry wok or possibly non stick pan till they are very aromatic.
- Grind the roasted seasonings with ginger lemon grass and garlic in a spice grinder food processor or possibly mortar till reduced to a smooth paste.
- Fry the onion till very well browned push to one side of the pan and fry the seasoning paste for 2 3 min.
- Add in the whole spices and curry or possibly bay leaves with 1 Tbsp. water.
- Cook till the liquid has evapourated.
- Add in meat and stir in the seasonings till well coated.
- Then add in the coconut cream peanut butter and 1 1/2 c. water.
- Cover and cook gently for 1 1/2 1 3/4 hrs stirring occasionally.
- Dissolve vinegar or possibly tamarind in 23 Tbsp. of the sauce and stir into the dish check seasonings adding sugar and fish sauce to taste.
- Cook 5 6 min more.
- Serve warm with rice.
- Note. Grnd Thai or possibly Siamese ginger (kha) can be purchased where Indonesian foods are sold under the name laos pwdr.
- Serves 4