Рецепт Mucho Chalupa/Mexican Pizza

- Makes 2 12" pizzas
- Crust:Mix the masa, cornmeal and spices (the measurements are approx., I didn't actually measure) and add in slowly to the boiling water stirring constantly.
- Cookover med-low heat until very thick.
- Spray 2 12" pizza pans with PAM. Put half of mix on each pan, dampen orvery lightly spray hands and push the dough to cover the pan. Bake for 15-20min. at 400 F. Actually, the crust was not as crispy as I would have liked,next time I think I'll bake it at 450-500 F.
- While the crust is baking mix together the beans and the salsa.
- Spread beans over crust and top with Picante/salsa. Sprinkle very finely gratedcheese-I used a combination of ff mexican style cheddar, ff cheddar, lf monterayjack and lf cheddar. (I have a small cylinder type grater and take a block ofeach cheese and grate it into a plastic bag, shake it up to mix and use it onall kinds of things.)
- Bake for about 10 more min till cheese is bubbly. We topped the cookedpizza with minced tomatoes and lettuce with a squeeze of lemon-hence the chalupa reference. I added lots of sliced jalapeos, yum.