Рецепт Moroccan Sand Cookies
Moroccan Sand Cookies By Eliot, on August 27th, 2017 Food ‘n Flix, a virtual film club, featured some great feel-good movies this summer. We’ve cooked up delicious and inspired fare for The Princess Bride and Dirty Dancing. (In between these two classics, we did view Volver in June. Not sure that qualifies for a feel-good movie,
For August, Courtney at Fictional Fare is hosting Secondhand Lions which definitely belongs in the feel-good genre. If I’d seen this film, I have forgotten but we are huge Robert Duvall fans and we were both eager to watch it. (The Hubs usually excuses himself when I sit down to watch and FnF
The film stars Robert Duvall, Michael Caine and Haley Joel Osment. Walter (Osment) feels abandoned by…
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