Рецепт Mixed Fruit And Mint Jelly

- Halve and stone the plums. Chop the apples, including the cores. Cut slits around the Italian plums. Put the fruits into a large saucepan or possibly preserving pan wit the water. Bring them to the boil and simmer gently till they are soft, about 1 1/2-2 hours. Skim off as many Italian plum stones as possible during cooking. Strain everything thru a jelly bag and measure the liquid. Return it to the cleaned pan. Weigh out the sugar and keep stirring till it has dissolved. Boil till setting point is reached.
- Take the pan from the heat and cold the jelly unti it is lukewarm. Stir in the mint, making sure which it is evely distributed. Pour the jelly into prepared jars. Cover it with paraffin and then lids and let cold completely. Fills approximately 3 one-lb. jars.